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1:10 PM
The wording could be changed a bit but it should be allowed to ask about representations of gamma matrices: physics.stackexchange.com/q/14223/2751
Qmechanic considered this worth a nice answer, so ... physics.stackexchange.com/q/24747/2751
Q: Proton or electron charge in the Weinberg-Salam model?

cristianI read Quantum Field Theory, Ryder, second edition. Relation (8.86) brings us the famous result: $e = g \sin \theta_W$ Here Ryder says tht $e$ is the proton charge. However, according to what I understand from the book, that should be the electron charge (which is negative). This is because in ...

Q: 5D Ricci Curvature

MaliciousMalusAs part of a hw problem for a class, we're supposed to be deriving the equivalence given in equation 2.3 of this paper ( http://arxiv.org/pdf/1107.5563v2.pdf ). I was wondering if there is some special relation involving the Ricci Curvature in 5d's relationship to one in 4d. Since with a genera...

Q: Interaction of an electromagnetic wave with a two level system in the domain of quantum field theory

venuSuppose I shine an electromagnetic wave on a two-level system. I need to describe how the system evolves in context of quantum field theory i.e. using a quantized EM field in the problem. The first step would be to write down the interaction Hamiltonian. What would it be?

Q: An Equality in The Calculus of Many Instantons

Craig ThoneI am reading the review on instantons. When I tried to derive formula (2.27) on page 17, I always get the different coefficient of $gF_{mn}$ term. My calculation is just directly expanding the first term $-\frac{1}{2} \int d^4x {\rm{tr_N}} F^2_{mn}$ in action to quadratic form, and leaving the se...

Q: Showing that the Ricci scalar equals a product of commutators

GaugeI have to compute the square of the Dirac operator, $D=\gamma^a e^\mu_a D_\mu$ , in curved space time ($D_\mu\Psi=\partial_\mu \Psi + A_\mu ^{ab}\Sigma_{ab}$ is the covariant derivative of the spinor field and $\Sigma_{ab}$ the Lorentz generators involving gamma matrices). Dirac equation for the ...

Q: A four-dimensional integral in Peskin & Schroeder

solitonThe following identity is used in Peskin & Schroeder's book Eq.(19.43), page 660: $$\int\frac{d^4k}{(2\pi)^4}\,\frac{1}{(k^2)^2}e^{ik\cdot\epsilon}=\frac{i}{(4\pi)^2}\log\frac{1}{\epsilon^2},\quad \epsilon\rightarrow 0$$ I can't figure out why it holds. Could someone provide a method to prove t...

Q: How do I construct the $SU(2)$ representation of the Lorentz Group using $SU(2)\times SU(2)\sim SO(3,1)$ ?

MadScientistThis question is based on problem II.3.1 in Anthony Zee's book Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell (I'm reading this for fun- it isn't a homework problem.) Show, by explicit calculation, that $(1/2,1/2)$ is the Lorentz Vector. I see that the generators of SU(2) are the Pauli Matrices and ...

Q: How to show the oblique parameters S, T, and U are coefficients of d=6 operators

QuantumDotIn Morii, Lim, Mukherjee, The Physics of the Standard Model and Beyond. 2004, ch. 8, they claim that the Peskin–Takeuchi oblique parameters S, T and U are in fact Wilson coefficients of certain dimension-6 operators. On page 212, they claim that the T parameter is described by $$O_T=(\phi^\dagge...

Q: Regarding real field Klein Gordon Equations

1989189198Here are 2 doubts: If we change the sign of the mass term in the free massive KG Lagrangian to get: $L = \frac{1}{2}\partial^\mu\phi\partial_\mu\phi + \frac{1}{2}m^2\phi^2$, What would be the $physical$ implications of this change? (aside from on shell condition not being satisfied)? Let $\ph...

Q: Unitary spacetime translation operator

OmeSrednicki writes: We can make this a little fancier by defining the unitary spacetime translation operator $$ T(a) \equiv \exp(-iP^\mu a_\mu/ \hbar) $$ Then we have $$ T(a)^{-1} \phi(x) T(a) = \phi(x-a)$$ How do we get the second equation from the first equation?

Q: Poles bit in a propagator

user21119Hi I am trying to derive the K-G propagator and am stuck on the bit where Cauchy's Integral formula is needed i.e evaluating from $$\int \frac{d^{3}p}{(2\pi)^3}\left\lbrace\frac{1}{2E_{p}}e^{-ip.(x-y)}|_{p^{o}=E_{p}}+\frac{1}{-2E_{p}}e^{-ip.(x-y)}|_{p^{o}=-E_{p}}\right\rbrace $$ to $$\int \frac{d...

Q: How to directly calculate the infinitesimal generator of SU(2)

Legend_DysonWe commonly investigate the properties of SU(2) on the basis of SO(3). However, I want to directly calculte the infinitesimal generator of SU(2) according to the definition $$X_{i}=\frac{\partial U}{\partial \alpha_{i}}$$ from Lie group theory. But, where are the problems of the methods I used be...

Q: Space translation of operators, states, and particle densities

user28952In Sidney Coleman's Lectures he talked about space translations such that $$\tag{1} e^{ia P}\rho(x) e^{-ia P} ~=~ \rho(x-a),$$ but when I expanded the exponentials and used the commutation relation of $P=-i\frac{d}{dx}$ and $x$, I got $$\tag{2} e^{ia P}\rho(x) e^{-ia P} ~=~ e^{ia [P,~\cdot~]}...

Q: Conserved topological charge for d=3 Yang-Mills. G=U(2)

Federico CartaConsider a pure Yang-Mills lagrangian density $$\mathcal{L}=-\frac{1}{4}F^{\mu\nu}_aF^a_{\mu\nu}$$ with gauge group $U(2)$. Take the generators for $U(2)$ to be $t_0$, $t_i \ i=1,...,3$ with commutation relations given by $$[t_0,t_i]=0$$ $$[t_i,t_j]=i\epsilon_{ijk}t_k$$ In particular $t_0$ is t...

Q: QED BRST Symmetry

Jonathan GleasonThis is a homework problem that I am confused about because I thought I knew how to solve the problem, but I'm not getting the result I should. I'll simply write the problem verbatim: "Consider QED with gauge fixing $\partial _\mu A^\mu=0$ and without dropping the Fadeev-Popov ghost fields. Th...

Q: Scalar QFT Fock Space

user30583I want to demostrate the following relation of the normal ordered product: $\Omega\equiv:\exp{\left(-\int d^3k~a^{\dagger}(k)a(k)\right)}:=|0\rangle\langle0|.$ I proved the commutation relation $[\Omega,a^{\dagger}(p)]=-a^{\dagger}(p)\Omega$ and I must use the identity of the Fock space $1=|0 ...

Q: Dirac Equation in General Relativity

GaugeDirac equation for the massless fermions in curved spase time is $γ^ae^μ_aD_μΨ=0$, where $e^μ_a$ are the tetrads. I have to show that Dirac spinors obey the following equation: $$(−D_μD^μ+\frac{1}{4}R)Ψ=0\qquad(1)$$ where $R$ is the Ricci scalar. I already know that $[D_\mu,D_\nu]A^\rho={{R_{\m...

Q: Fock Subspaces and Weight Vectors

JackThis is my first time taking a physics course (I'm a mathematics major), so I'm encountering a lot of new things, which I'm kind of expected to know. In particular, how to work with Bosons. I've got the following question to work out; Let $F_2$ denote the Fock subspace of all 2-boson states,...

Q: What exactly is $\hat{\psi}^\dagger(x)$? An operator or a function?

NickI've recently read Cohen-Tannoudji on quantum mechanics to try to better understand Dirac notation. A homework problem is giving me some trouble though. I'm unsure if I've learned enough yet to understand this. The creation operator is defined as: $$\hat{a}_k^\dagger = (2 \pi)^{-1/2}\int dx\,...

Hey, WTF? This is quite conceptual to ask what should happen in the center of a central field! physics.stackexchange.com/q/83396/2751
Q: Trace and adjoint representation of $SU(N)$

solitonIn the adjoint representation of $SU(N)$, the generators $t^a_G$ are chosen as $$ (t^a_G)_{bc}=-if^{abc} $$ The following identity can be found in Taizo Muta's book "Foundations of Quantum Chromodynamics", appendix B Eq. (B.10), page 381: $$ \mathrm{tr}(t^a_Gt^b_Gt^c_Gt^d_G)=\delta^{ab}\delta^...

2:09 PM
Ok, this was [quantum-field-theory],[homework] ... Did I already say that it annoyes me that seemingly all technical questions about theoretical and/or advanced topics are tagged homework? Such a generalization of the term homework is not right, it gives the impression that only popular equation and LaTex free questions are accepted as "conceptual" and therefore legitimate ... :-(

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