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10:00 PM
I'm at home now, so I shall wait to fix that until I get in tomorrow.
Well done, well done.
Couldn't you have figured that out with a quick trip to Inspector Element?
@animuson I actually did look there first, and when I didn't see any CSS rules being applied to it, I was sort of baffled. Didn't think about overriding the default.
Like I said, long day haha.
Doesn't your element inspector list the default styles at the end of the list? Mine does.
Badger badger badger badger
10:16 PM
@animuson Mine shows them at the top, in a section that is collapsed by default labeled "Computed styles". I really just looked where the applied CSS styles are, and then moved on when that section was empty.
@Timjadarnel27: Computed styles are not the same as the default styles. Mine lists all the default styles in grey boxes that have a "user agent stylesheet" note to the side.
> I really just looked where the applied CSS styles are, and then moved on when that section was empty.
@Lix --^
(Israeli politics)

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