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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

12:03 AM
Obscure changelog entry of the day:

- Hong Kong didn't observe DST in 1977 , remove obsolete association of Vostok Station with South Magnetic Pole and add association with Lake Vostok
12:41 AM
@Aiden, where did the change log entry come from?
Some Linux package on Fedora
timezone related I think
1:33 AM
@AidenBell LOL
Is reading obscure changelogs a new pastime @Aiden? :-)
@TheUnhandledException - Maybe I will start a blog about it
make it a tumblelog @AidenBell
randomreadmes.com :-)
meh stupid
@Sathya, you want a downvote?
1:47 AM
wha, why do you say that?
@rchern yes, please!
@rchern He's going for Peer Pressure
oh, so I should upvote?
@rchern Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! :(
I knew you wouldn't give in so easily :-)
1:49 AM
well not on this question atleast :P
well what would be the point of upvoting a different question?!
@rchern I get rep :P
and I get Peer Pressure on this :P
The Periodic Table of Irrational Nonsense
1 hour later…
3:06 AM
Hm, I don't believe it, but it looks like Pidgin just doesn't support HTML chat messages... very odd
hard to believe since Adium (where HTML was working) uses libpurple
3:19 AM
Ok. I am changing my tune!
It works in Pidgin under Fedora, just not under Ubuntu
is happy now
OK, I'm off for the night
Everyone feel free to hack away at XMPP while I'm gone!
3:35 AM
Hmm, apparently I don't have the userscript installed on this laptop...this is a tragedy
Wow, I don't even have Greasemonkey installed..
tragedy indeed!
switches to Chrome
There we go, much better
3:52 AM
Ah Baltimore
4:07 AM
Very lively in here tonight. ;)
@AidenBell Which PHP APIs are broken? :P
4:19 AM
@rchern Hmm, is it intentional that the time is now "0:08:47" (missing padded first 0)?
in The SO Tavern (General) on Stack Overflow Chat, 2 days ago, by mootinator
"Let he who codes without error cast the first downvote."
What a horrible idea...
I really wish chat had a downvote... because I would so downvote that
3 hours later…
7:44 AM
@TimStone still here?
8:08 AM
@rchern, are you there?
8:19 AM
@Benjol Hai!
ah, at last, I was feeling a bit lonely :)
managed to clone from github, at last. worked round proxy and used https
8:33 AM
@YiJiang, there was some talk of ignoring unrecognised commands and escaping with //, I'm trying to implement that, but not sure whether to remove one / when escaping...
@Benjol The first I believe can be accomplished quite simply (in fact that part of the code is marked by a comment I think). The second one is a little weirder, but the result should be one less / I think
Well I've got that working, the only problem now is that when I ignore the commands, the enter gets appended onto the input... :)
@Benjol Ehmmm... that's not suppose to happen... ehn...
@YiJiang, yeah, I know, just haven't worked out where I'm going wrong. Another question: when ignoring, I wanted to show a popup with a list of available commands, what can I use to iterate through commands, showing just the names?
@Benjol a for..in loop, presumably.
for (var i in commands) { console.log(i); }
8:39 AM
ok, off to sandbox I go :)
8:53 AM
@YiJiang, sorry, another question. If I've built an ul (of existing commands) using var ul = $('<ul />).etc, how can I prepend a text to it to display? if I do "text" + ul I just get object
No, wait, sorry, I misread your question
Well, the simplest method is to use before and add in a span with the text in it
I'm pretty sure before doesn't work with plain text. Let me check...
What's the url of that jquery sandbox site?
@Benjol jsfiddle.net, although you can also fiddle around in your console.
@YiJiang, I don't even have a console :) I'm on ffx and for some reason it's dead. And given that I haven't been doing any web stuff for ages...
@Benjol Grab Firebug and FireQuery
Also, before and after doesn't work with plain text. You have to insert an element
Erm.. correction, it does work. Fancy that...
var s = $('<span />').text('Hello'),
    p = $('<p />').append(s);
s.after(' world');

@balpha Correction: $(".user-140548 .content").css("direction", "rtl");
9:13 AM
@YiJiang, hm, can't figure out this stuff :(, what should the last line here be?
var ul = $('<ul />').addClass('gm_room_list');
          	for (var i in commands) {
              (function (current) {
                $('<a />').click(function () {
                  $('#input').val('/' + current).focus();
                  return false;
                }).attr('href', '#')
                  .wrap('<li />')
            ul = $(ul).before("<span>Unknown command, try again, or use // to escape commands.</span>");
@Benjol Hmmm... no, you have to append it into something before doing that, else when you pass on ul all you're passing on is... well, ul
hm, I think I've reached the limits of fiddling someone elses code without understanding the framework :)
@Benjol You mean jQuery or the structure of the code?
Actually, wait a second, let me try something...
9:16 AM
well, I'm not too au fait with gm scripts either, for that matter :)
Apart from that, did you see they've added a "No answers" tab under Unanswered?
restart for new add-ons
Hmm.. no, nothing you can do
You have to wrap the whole thing inside something else, unless setNotification accepts an array of jQuery object/jQuery object with multiple elements and insert all of the elements in. Let me try that...
9:33 AM
@YiJiang, is it just me, or does /list layout differently for you in Sandbox too?
10:02 AM
ul = $(ul).before($('<span/>').text('Unknown command, try again, or use // to escape commands.')); works, don't know if it's in true jquery style though
10:49 AM
@YiJiang, one last thing, do you think the list of commands should be in alphabetical order? :)
@Benjol That made me think that we should have a dedicated /help command that actually have short descriptions for each of the commands instead of just listing them like this
Still, good job - it's certainly better than nothing
by the way, I don't know if it's just me, but //test in the sandbox does something funny
@Benjol Actually, I think it does something special in all rooms
goes over to SO to see if it's there too
Hmmm... at first I thought it highlights messages containing the thing after the //, but apparently not
as I said, I get totally different layout in here:
@Benjol Not what I get, sorry
10:59 AM
ok, weird
Check of the correct class name is applied and that the styles are been injected properly
I can't think of any reason it would work in one room and not the other, I haven't even got them in different tabs, just switching between the two...
@YiJiang, I believe you've commented out the timestamp anyway, so adding in a pipe won't make you any happier?
@Benjol No it won't ;)
The highlight being over the time stamp is a real bummer though..., maybe I should try putting it on the div.content inside?
@Benjol Go ahead, but I don't think it'll do any good
11:12 AM
it really wants to be on the .messages which surrounds the #message-id
11:46 AM
@YiJiang, could you just check if Delete is broken for you?
@Benjol Sure
Hmmm... not working?
It's /del, I think
@Benjol Yeah, still not working
but ctrl+up and D doesn't work either, for me
Manually deleted that one
@Benjol The keyboard shortcuts uses the commands, so no surprise there
11:48 AM
ok, I've added a selector to do: div.messages:has(#message-id
works better - now it does the same as when you highlight a user's messages
@Benjol Hmmm... I'm not sure why you'd want that, actually. The unhighlighted space between individual messages look ugly to me :P
woops, your right, now it highlights conversations :)
uh, no, what are they called, monologues
hm, back to the drawing board then...
12:08 PM
This totally awesome StackApp needs more love. And publicity. Much more publicity. I nominate it for pinning, in fact.
Q: Flack Overstow - Generate spam from Trilogy posts

Mark RushakoffScreenshot / Code Snippet $ python flack.py 126042 Before 'if' statement... Past 'if' statement. Floating point exception on my system. So, you should check whether e is a very popular way to access Word and Excel documents. There's a line inside an expression like that; the simplest wor...

> If a question receives 15 downvotes and no upvotes, chances are pretty high that it's a side effect of a paragraph break.
@YiJiang Can you help me understand how come when the message has a gray background, the timestamp is 'on top', but once you do a highlight, it's 'behind'?
@Benjol Because the grey background isn't actually applied to the .message element, but rather to the .messages container
ok, so we really are screwed, either you highlight the monlogue, or you're timestamp is hidden :(
no like
@Benjol Well, there are certain workarounds
I've not fully explored all of the options yet.
I'd be tempted to highlight just the timestamp for the moment ;)
anyway, I'll branch that off, and push the two other changes
12:25 PM
Hmmm... this is bad
No... I don't think this is working out well
@YiJiang, the highlighting thing?
@Benjol Okay, we can get the timestemp to appear on top of the highlighting relatively painlessly
But then it'll obscure the action buttons
Making the action buttons appear on top of the timestamps is also relatively painless
But because the buttons will only appear when the message is been hovered over, and the timestamp is actually outside of the individual messages
Hovering over any bits of the timestamps that are sticking out to the left of the timestamp will kill the buttons
So, yeah, this sucks
Okay, we might be able to hide the timestamp of the currently hovered over message
That is preferable
12:34 PM
}, function(){
Hmmm... it's rather complex for what appears to be a simple bug
We've got to add in this here into the livequery highlighting block
Then do some overriding of the original CSS styles
a bit unwieldy all that
@Benjol Yeah, that's what I thought
hm, can't push from here :(
1:00 PM
getting ssh to work seems impossibly complicated: help.github.com/troubleshooting-ssh
1:25 PM
@Benjol seems like normal ssh setup to me ...
@Zypher, you mean impossibly complicated is normal? that's not reassuring :)
haha, nah not impossibly ... i mean heck i write ssh config files while at least 3/4 drunk
@Zypher Hey, stop showing off to the rest of us networking challenged people :P
haha :-D
the thing is, 'all' I want to do is do git push and pull, I don't want to know about ssh, I don't want to know about proxies, I don't want to know about config files :(
1:29 PM
what's your base OS?
(behind a proxy at work over which I have little or no control)
ah ... well .. they those directions are not useful at all
exactly, I could do with a flow chart, except I think paper wouldn't have enough dimensions..
what is the ssh system you are using ? cygwin or putty or other?
on your client that is
oh dear, you're going to have me exposing the depths of my ignorance, I can feel it coming... to be honest, I'm not sure
the problem when you try 30 different things to get something working is in the end, you don't know what you're doing (well, I didn't at the start either)
I'm trying from inside the bit bash prompt (which is cygwin, I believe), and I do have putty installed too.
1:35 PM
blech cygwin is teh annoying
for windows people that just want to work i love the tortoise<xxx> stuff
^^git version
So far I've got as far as 'Server does not support any authentication methods allowed by firewall'
@Zypher, maybe I should try that, I've got SmartGit, which I love, but it's not helping for the ssh stuff
Ehh, that can be a red herring
you could try manually sshing w/ putty to the host and see if it times out or if gives you a login promt, login prompt == allowed through the firewall
yeah, that's why I've stepped down a level to bash, and to just trying ssh commands instead of git
scroll to the "on the client" section
if it doesn't let you thorugh ... talk to your sysadmin
hm, I'm not too clear about private/public keys either - isn't there something about github (or git?) not liking files with passphrases?
1:42 PM
hmm, dunno don't use github ... but they should have given you a public key to use, private keys are on the server
hm, ok
Getting mixed up, at one time I was also trying to set up a git server on my own machine to play with remoting :(
Anyway, putty says the same thing 'Server does not support any authentication methods allowed by firewall', so sysadmin it is, though what should I be asking them to open?
Just explain your problem to him, he should know how the firewall is setup
and what needs to be adjusted
@Zypher Your confidence is touching :)
1:58 PM
@rchern ''morning
Doh! My auto-reply algorithm failed
...auto-reply algorithm?
in JavaScript on Stack Overflow Chat, yesterday, by Yi Jiang
thinks that he can create a userscript that autoresponds to greetings by cutting off the first letter, replacing it with a ' and speaking in a funny (ie. Southern) accent.
2:00 PM
the ' should go at the end, though.. mornin' y'all
hello there
2:18 PM
hello' there' y'all
hello peoples
@rchern, I forked your script, but now I can't get ssh to work to push it :)
@Benjol Maybe stick it somewhere, then let one of us diff it manually before merging it. The changes won't carry you're name though
Of course we can wait till you get home
@YiJiang, yeah, well part of the exercise is me getting to grips with git'ing with others, so I'll see if I've got some time this evening...
@Benjol +1 for forking! awesome!
Just don't start implementing these:
- Merge /addhl, /delhl and /highlights into a single command
- Ignore unhandled commands, show list of legal commands instead
- Escape commands with //
@rchern in retrospect, I think I should have just done a clone/branch/push. Not sure
2:37 PM
added you as a label to the issue
forking is correct i believe, but i'm far from a git expert
@rchern I have no idea what this erm... label thing is
Could you explain?
Labels on the issues. They really don't mean anything, you can filter based on labels.
We can pretend that if a name is a label on the issue they're working on it?
Just an idea shrugs
Erm... how do you add labels
I see an Actions menu, I guess maybe that could just be for me
Userscripters: speaking of new things to implement, can yinz get /sudo working? Or at least the special case /sudo rovio?
2:51 PM
@PopularDemand make me a sandwich will be the only valid argument, and will result in that xkcd comic been printed
@YiJiang I'd accept that as a proof of concept.
(That'd be a great easter egg for Cooking SE....)
bye all, maybe later
3:18 PM
Ha! "good lord [username redacted] why did you ask so many non-programming questions on SO? – Jeff Atwood♦"
Okay, this is ridiculous. Can someone check if an undersea cable snapped or something?
@YiJiang When I kept telling you Singapore was unsupported, I didn't mean only by Stack Exchange.
It's taking 2.5 min, and not even the main CSS file has loaded
Basically, every request is taking an extra half minute to complete
Usually happen when a cable snap and the ISP have yet to reroute the traffic
The other pipes get clogged up and latency increases to ridiculous amounts
3:52 PM
Morning everyone
(as @YiJiang would say q: )
How are you today @rchern?
I'm alright, you?
I'm okay, a bit frustrated at the moment (IE JS errors)
Have a lot to catch up on today to make up for my slacking yesterday ;-)
3:56 PM
@Chacha102 Hey there
Hm, someone broke XMPP this morning and I was unaware of that!
@rchern LOL, do you know who it was?
It was so long ago the logs scrolled out of my terminal's buffer
some message must have choked it
I just restarted it, last thing my client saw was
> (11:00:14 AM) Benjol: bye all, maybe later
44 mins ago, by Popular Demand
Ha! "good lord [username redacted] why did you ask so many non-programming questions on SO? – Jeff Atwood♦"
That was the next message!
shakes fist at @PopularDemand
Sure enough, crashed it again
4:03 PM
hmm, bad charset? the diamond?
@rchern That's a very good thought
restarted again, let's count the uptime in seconds ;-)
gah, foiled by the rate limiter
Damn you IE, what am I supposed to do with exception: {description:"",message:"",name:"Error",number:-2147417856} ???
Give me something to work with! Please?
@TheUnhandledException Integer overflow, obviously :P
finally, github is no longer blocked at my school
happy days!
4:07 PM
Joking, please don't go and debug that
@Chacha102 Why github, of all things to block?
probably has something to do with it switching to HTTPS
@YiJiang It was blocked as "security.virus"
Don't ask me why..
@Chacha102 Well, our school blocks telnet
I couldn't understand why, till one day I saw the option to play nethack over telnet from a remote server
@YiJiang LOL, if only it were that simple. I'm doing someElement.appendChild(someOtherElement)
So, me and a friend are working on a new project
it is a stoplight simulator
where we will build objects that simulate traffic on streets
and a stoplight system that will correctly respond
learning which traffic is the heaviest
and making accomadations for it
we'll probably make something that calculates the average wait time as well and see how low we can get it
@TheUnhandledException I'm a helper!
@Chacha102 Must... resist... urge... to link... to xkcd....
4:14 PM
@PopularDemand LOL. This is true, you're helping me make XMPP better. Even if it frustrates me in the process ;-)
It's not just you, I've crashed it myself a few times already this morning
@TheUnhandledException I'm sorry, it's not intentional.
If I could frustrate you without helping you improve XMPP, I would.
@PopularDemand For some reason I think that was sincere...
Side note: woo, all four digits of my rep are the same!
Yes, every project I do has to be named after some mythical diety...
My next coding project will be named Methe, a nymph of drunkness...
4:17 PM
@PopularDemand I fixed that for ya ;-)
@TheUnhandledException Grar.
Just go downvote 10 people, shouldn't be hard ;-)
That's what you get for having 2 stars on
4 mins ago, by Popular Demand
If I could frustrate you without helping you improve XMPP, I would.
@TheUnhandledException Are you insinuating to say that Meta isn't filled with the brightest minds of our generation?
(wait... for frustrating me, I upvote him... that's... not right...)
@TheUnhandledException Don't worry, fate is punishing me on your behalf.
They're about to take the Internet away for half an hour for an upgrade.
4:21 PM
@Chacha102 I meant to pass no judgement on the luminosity of the Meta community, only on the correctness of some of its users ;-)
@Chacha102 Yeah, and not just any 'ol deity, it must be some obscure nymph instead of a famous god, like, say Dionysus
@PopularDemand Stay strong, my friend! This dark time shalt pass! ;-)
howdy all
4:22 PM
Hello @TheUnhandledException , how's things?
@AidenBell 'owdy all
@YiJiang lol
@AidenBell Fair. IE is frustrating me
@TheUnhandledException - Yea, it does that :P
Anyone know how in JavaScript to create a DOM element without using jQuery or Prototype?
4:24 PM
What is this without jQuery you speak of
I think Prototype is creating the DOM objet in one document and I'm trying to insert it into a different document, and that's what's giving me grief
@TheUnhandledException document.createElement?
@YiJiang Yeah, gods are for wimps. All my projects must be named after obscure mythical creatures that you didn't know existed, and might still not believe they exist even after me telling you about them...
@AidenBell I'm using Prototype and it's... not happy...
@YiJiang That looks like it might be it. Thanks, let me see if that fixes my error
why wouldn't you use jQuery?
4:26 PM
How I love errors with no descriptions, nothing but huge negative numbers to identify them by...
@Chacha102 System's based on Prototype
Prototype code for this part of the system works flawlessly in all browsers except IE
@TheUnhandledException Well, a quick search for 2147417856 actually yielded some interesting results
@YiJiang Sorry for being dense, I always create and manipulate elements using jQuery or Prototype. var thumb = document.createElement('img');, now, how do I set it's src?
@YiJiang Mostly about Outlook and the Process manager...
@TheUnhandledException thumb.src = 'image.png'
cowers in shame
(I thought I had to use a function. Lemme test this new method...)
@TheUnhandledException Eh... attributes are properties of DOM node objects
That's why in jQuery if you're inside an event handler you do this.id instead of $(this).attr('id'), since this in the handler refers to the element on which the event is fired from
4:32 PM
I think I've been staring at this code too long, it's fried my brain. I really should know this stuff :-)
And that creating a new jQuery object just to get it's properties is really really expensive
needz moar jQuery!
@rchern $.reverseSmiley('rchern')
TypeError: Object function (a,b){return new c.fn.init(a,b)} has no method 'reverseSmiley'
$.reverseSmiley = function(){ this.text = this.text/replace(/([;:=])(-?)()(opq)/,"\3\2\1"); }
sadly it's not that simple )-;
huh, first time I ever received "This message cannot be edited before it has been received by the server" message!
5:04 PM
Well I made the smallest amount of progress. This unknown error appears to be "No such interface supported"
All I'm doing is building an <ol> of thumbnails, I don't see why IE is having such a difficult time understanding me
I think I need to rebuild this without the popup window... that causes a delay I am not looking forward to
Gonna grab some lunch, fuel for my brain. Later guys!
5:26 PM
Q: What can StackOverflow/StackExchange learn from Batman?

Sid MeierWait, hear me out. This is not a joke question. Everyone knows Batman fights criminals, like for example the Joker, which are potentially very similar to SO. If the criminals can have questions (like the Riddler) and henchmen, the similarity is even closer.

5:56 PM
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