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3:00 PM
At least, that's the rule where I'm from.
I didn't put much thought into it, to be completely honest
ooooh, screw it. On the internet, you're all "good sir"
That's great sir to you, buddy.
ok i installed
GIt Extensions
what is the git equivalent to svn's Checkout?
@SergioTapia yes, but don't ask those questions too loud
what do you mean?
3:09 PM
if <distributed-source-control/> people catch you asking what's the <not-distributed-source-control/> equivalent for <distributed-source-control/>, you're dead :P
Related (this is about Mercurial but mostly also applies to git)
i can't push my latest change ):
it is committed, but not pushed
C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.cmd pull "http://github.com/rchern/StackFlair.git"
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

I'm getting this weird error.
I guess the problem is github.com/rchern/StackFlair.git is not a git repository
how so?
it ends with .git?
oooh ok gitextensions can push for me now. my public key wasn't pasted into my account settings properly
3:15 PM
for example here
what's the git address for StackFlair?
git://github.com/rchern/StackFlair.git I think
Yeah, it's a problem with GitHub definitely I'm afraid
oh wait if you look here it has the urls listed there with the ssh, http, and read only buttons.
@rchern yes, it's those links that are failing
git@github.com:rchern/StackFlair.git is what i have in GitExtensions
(ie, in the remote repositories)
3:18 PM
Nevermind that your urls may be kinda different since you have write access
$ git pull git@github.com:rchern/StackFlair.git
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
$ git pull git://github.com/rchern/StackFlair.git/
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
well i don't think that's the exact command that Git Extensions uses. not sure
lol I htink I'll just stick to CodePlex
:P Too much mumbo jumbo just to get a measly checkout
@Sergio, I guess you first must create a local repository to begin with...
3:20 PM
No, first I have to create a key, then authorize that key
$ git init # ←←←
Initialized empty Git repository in c:/Users/badp/test/.git/
$ git pull git://github.com/rchern/StackFlair.git
remote: Counting objects: 53, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (52/52), done.
remote: Total 53 (delta 26), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (53/53), done.
From git://github.com/rchern/StackFlair
 * branch            HEAD       -> FETCH_HEAD
then I have to pull from the repo (which doesn't even work)
@rchern can you zip up the code and upload it somewhere?
@SergioTapia you must run git init first, before you pull
ah ok
First you make a repository, then you pull changesets into it.
3:23 PM
Anyone want to work on my project with me? :P
i used dxstudio.com/… to help me be able to push
It's 100% working right now and I use it on a day to day basis, but it could use some touches on the threading aspect.
Campaign promise fulfilled!
Q: Limit the size of banner messages

Popular DemandThe "first time here" banner on some sites has gotten out of hand. See here: I've been using SE sites for long enough to know that the few pixels poking down from the banner belong to the "log in" link, but a newish user probably wouldn't. And good luck finding the FAQ, about page, SE dropdown...

@PopularDemand You must have learnt from MSPaint MVP Alex Papadimolous
@badp I beg your pardon?
This has got to be an Apr 1 post.
@PopularDemand The MSPaint MVP is also known for founding TheDailyWTF.com, in case you missed it :)
@badp I do know him for that, but I'm not getting the full joke, I think.
I'm not sure what's there not to get <_<
@Sergio, any luck pulling StackFlair?
3:30 PM
nope, still nothing. can you host it on codeplex?
I love his antialiasing technique
it's easier for many people especiially in the .net world
@badp In that case, it's just not particularly funny.
And I will have you know, sir, that I invented that technique independently! I am the Leibniz to his Newton, if you will.
if you just follow that guide should be simple |:
@SergioTapia Codeplex doesn't support Git
3:32 PM
i know
it supports svn which if you ahve visual studio already out of the box
Yeah, but rchern is using git
that's why I asked if she could host it on codeplex as well
hosting in 2 places seems....not useful
She's using Git. Codeplex only uses SVN. Hence, she can't use Codeplex.
Besides, if all you need is read access pulling is a piece of cake...
@Sergio, branch out! learn!
3:34 PM
isnt working here
dont know why
also, isn't there a download source button on the webpage?
yup, there is
you can download a zip straight from the website
there we go
yep found it thanks! :D
be gentle, the code isn't perfected :P
can i host this on codeplex? is that kosher?
(the reason why you would want to do that still eludes me)
3:40 PM
what's confusing, I know svn, codeplex uses svn, svn is integrated to visual studio out of the box
not rocket surgery
... she is not using svn
You could take a snapshot but what'd that be for?
you're dense, or just woken up xD
"*can i host this on codeplex? is that kosher?*" that's why I asked her, I want to host it elsewhere
how do you plan to contribute changes back?
@Sergio, GitExtensions can be used inside vs
i couldn't
3:41 PM
that's what i'm doing
i'll push changes to codeplex, think of it as a Fork
because you haven't set it up right i think. you'd have to set up the svn extension so i don't really see a difference
i think it setup correctly because I ran git config and everything showed up properly
GIT bash was there and everything
when trying to pull i got that error from above
that's just installing the program
not configuring the repo
what error, Sergio?
3:43 PM
its upthere on top, can't remember
you've got to set up the repository just like you'd need to for svn
30 mins ago, by Sergio Tapia
C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.cmd pull "http://github.com/rchern/StackFlair.git"
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

this one?
22 mins ago, by badp
@SergioTapia you must run git init first, before you pull
23 mins ago, by badp
$ git init # ←←←
Initialized empty Git repository in c:/Users/badp/test/.git/
$ git pull git://github.com/rchern/StackFlair.git
remote: Counting objects: 53, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (52/52), done.
remote: Total 53 (delta 26), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (53/53), done.
From git://github.com/rchern/StackFlair
 * branch            HEAD       -> FETCH_HEAD
21 mins ago, by Sergio Tapia
ah ok
Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git refers to your current directory, not the remote host
ah ok
let me try this then
so in gitbash i have to cd to the directoery where i want and type in git init?
3:50 PM
then git pull
Ok! I used git init, now what? xD
now try pulling again :)
hey it worked! cool
now I'm going to add a random class and try pushing to see if I can submit changes. When I make a change, does @rchern have to approve them or how does git work?
don't just make a random class
do something real :P
add a readme! haha
just for testing purposes :)
3:56 PM
46 mins ago, by badp
Related (this is about Mercurial but mostly also applies to git)
i commited, but i cant find the change on the website. do you have to approve them for them to show?
you have to do a push also.
which means you'll need you public/private key set up
which is what i've been saying :P
commit = commit on my machine
push = commit to the world?
that's my understanding.
push: send your changesets to somebody else's repository
3:59 PM
yeah i hvea akey sey up
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAptqHhvlQwICHUlIDRSZIini6hfNUwDgr5em7lpDL1bIUntw0hnqAJNb2go47qPbvutGRz3q4Rk0jPyKYkAYIk/EHoRQ+NviZS7sW5zd/ELRT3vlgSC9vGbY79cp4HTW34+uFBPYhcVmvlkWQ53Bh2C0jT8Cq4JQkNx06yOoqKPat/SqjXaIR7HES/t9O6ltv+LbUPqqSvlmU45t6GjMk62KkmU7oKqApK8oOU8dw3ZwFpFcCfzQ+6Tn4ta5yUM4kJgygnsn3xZpmb2QSvLlDAomc4lZlBwwnxz+ZHsUZ1BfnJx3kLht6ZcNQaYkd9iclYaIUDNPjWTK+0QysCsR6zQ==
(keep in mind that i'd never used git before StackFlair so this is all new to me)
what do I do with it? i generated it for github
I'm no git pro either...
@badp, so why do I have to do a push also?
well I've read something about git
4:00 PM
@rchern To push from your local repository to github's?
it seemed like you were saying @Sergio was incorrect
1 min ago, by Sergio Tapia
commit = commit on my machine
push = commit to the world?
Mostly that's the way it is yeah :)
or so I gather
C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.cmd push "git://github.com/rchern/StackFlair.git" master:master
fatal: remote error:
You can't push to git://github.com/rchern/StackFlair.git
Use git@github.com:rchern/StackFlair.git

4:02 PM
because if you look at the website with the ssh, http, and read-only buttons, git:// is the url for the read-only
now i get this error xD
C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.cmd push "git@github.com:rchern/StackFlair.git" master:master
The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
think it is.
The server's rsa2 key fingerprint is:
ssh-rsa 2048 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48
Connection abandoned.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

@rchern did you try looking at the webpage without being logged in, @rchern? :)
@PopularDemand LOL, I assume that was a joke given the reference to free time :-)
@SergioTapia You don't have push access. The "Read only" link is read only.
@badp no >_>
4:03 PM
(If you were serious please contact me :-)
how can I cache the server host keyu 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48
@TheUnhandledException You haven't seen my hourly rate.
@PopularDemand That's where I thought the joke came in, HAR!
@rchern Mere mortals only have the HTTP and Git (Read only) links
@TheUnhandledException Hey-oooooooo!
4:04 PM
i thought it was a public repo that everybody had access to
I'm not sure if others need to set up their own branch of the project to push data onto GitHub.
Those are GitHub specifics :)
the problem is GIT is asking me for Github registry key
should there be a room created for Git related stuff, may be called 'The Old Gits' en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_%28slang%29
I have it but I don't know where to save it, it says is not loaded to the cache
wherever that may be.
4:08 PM
to pipe both stderr and stdout to /dev/null, is it: cmd 2>1 > /dev/null ?
@Sergio, step 4 of the document i've linked over 9000 times :D
anyways, would forking be the appropriate action vs committer? i dunno
@rchern I guess so
plink -agent git@...rest_of_your_url what does here?
@Sergio, I think you fork via the website and then use the url of your forked StackFlair repo
No, you don't need to do that. A fork is just a branch of your master code branch. I could create a fork and take the project in a completely different direction without disturbing anyones code. I can even take that fork I made and merge it with yours in the future.
4:12 PM
@TheUnhandledException should it be cmd 2>&1 > /dev/null ?
The problem I'm having right now is that GIT doesn't have this registered:
@PiersMyers yes thanks
I find it hard to believe there isn't a tutorial step by step on how to set this thing up. It seems all the tutorials miss one step or take some information as a given for their readers.
@sergio, i've linked, quite possibly over 9000 times literally (:P) the step-by-step guide i used.
@TheUnhandledException I think maybe you can also use cmd &> /dev/null to be completely silent
4:17 PM
1. Delete your local copy
2. Click the Fork button on rchern's page, which gives you your own Git repo with committer access
3. Pull from it onto your local machine
4. ???
5. Commit onto your local machine
6. Push to your GitHub git repository
7. Let rchern figure out how to merge changes :P
"6. Push to your GitHub git repository"
This bit is giving me the error. And like I said before, the guides I found are missing the crucial step of setting up the keys for Github. I can set MY key, but not GitHubs.
I think I'm just going to buy this.tekpub.com/preview/git
@Sergio, in GitExtensions, go to Remotes > Manage
you need to load the private key file you've generated there.
after you've loaded it, you can test the connection in that dialog
Manage is grayed out.
Don't worry, I have a long weekend so I guess I'll use it to learn GIT.
(the ssh stuff is step 2 of the guide)
seems like you haven't configured the repo in GitExtensions (step 5)
anyone else using MVC2 here?
i'm loving it
Wow, it's only 15 bucks! Definitely buying it tonight, see ya. I'm off from work now, have a long weekend till Monday.
4:38 PM
I posted a dupe! If you don't like me, go close it.
@SergioTapia ah neat link.. i might look at that too..
@PopularDemand As if that's going to happen :P
@Diago Why hello there.
Got bored and decided we were worth the time again, did you?
@PopularDemand Not bored. Just not busy. Start of a bank holiday for us so I can take some time to relax :)
@Diago, You are a bank?
Hm, I feel like I had a comment for something you did on SU recently but I can't find it. Oh well.
4:44 PM
@PopularDemand Sorry... Terminology Blowout. Public Holiday :P
@PopularDemand Apart from closing questions. Which is all I have done :)
aww man! who let @Diago in here??
@rchern You left the door open when you went out, so I slipped in :P
@Diago, Oh, I remember/see it now. That's odd.
@PopularDemand Odd?
Since SU chat is dead... what happened to "How To Execute Cmd.exe Silently?"?
Looked like OP made an account that wasn't linked, but I don't see the answer with the new account anymore. I do see that you merged it into the question, but the account has vanished?
4:49 PM
@PopularDemand No. I deleted the answer with the valid account. He used a different email on the site so I can't merge them
@rchern I hope you've learned a lesson about closing your ports today.
I will not let it happen again.
@Diago Ah. I stand by my initial statement that it is an odd case, then.
@PopularDemand Yeah. It happens often that guys use different emails on different sites, and then the system doesn't auto link
5:02 PM
Anyone have a quick link to questions about the "someone else is editing this too" feature?
Q: Notifications for concurrent changes when editing posts

PerspxWhen editing other users' posts, to reformat code or to clarify the meaning of a question, for example, I always return to the post, and refresh it, before submitting the changes to make sure that someone hasn't already made the same changes to the post whilst I have been editing it. I have found...

Q: Is concurrent editing detection working (as of 2010-09-23)?

Jonathan LefflerIs the 'concurrent editing' checking working? Take a look at the edit history of SO 3780075. There are 5 or more edits (one of them mine) within a single minute - the question went to Community Wiki in record time. I certainly did not get notified of concurrent editing activity.

I was trying to edit my answer to the latter with a link.
Turns out I used Jeff's answer to the former, which Google gave me a split second before @rchern did.
"I'm only a split second slower than Google"... not a bad motto.
I'm eating lunch...I'm handicapped!
@rchern I just finished dinner ):
@rchern Google is serving up thousands upon thousands of pages of results... it's handicapped too. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if some feature in alpha-test stage was serving thousands upon thousands of lunches, somewhere.
5:08 PM
Almost at 5k... I kind of want a little notification bar like "Halfway there! :)" to show up.
5:29 PM
well, find the notify() function in SO's js and call it :P
5:41 PM
notify is an object and notify.show() shows the notification bar
You just need to find out how to set the text to something more exciting than "undefined"
@rchern It's not exciting if I do it myself. That's like buying yourself a present or flowers for your birthday.
Flowers for birthday? Ugh.
@badp Sorry, I couldn't think of anything good, and I just bought flowers the other day (no, not for myself).
@PopularDemand Less chatting and more answering, I'm getting tired of refreshing your profile page :P
@badp 1) that's creepy 2) thanks, I think 3) I've produced plenty of content today, go upvote me or something
Was a consensus ever reached on this?
Q: Once a flag is cleared from the mod queue, the same post cannot be re-flagged

Jon SeigelJeff stated in a comment on my answer here that users are allowed to re-flag a post after the initial flag is cleared from the moderator queue (I infer this to mean that you can flag a post as much as you want, but only have one active flag per post at a time, which makes sense). I've never foun...

5:59 PM
@PopularDemand You can't have your cake and eat it too
@badp Bah. Whippersnapper.
First dense, then whippersnapper
Those youngens, they don't got no respect :P
Happy Wednesday!
6:14 PM
Thanks @Joe!
Cept it's Thursday
@Chacha is a slacker
Happy Wednesdayness!
/me has a crazy day today
Where's my Documentation @PopularDemand? When I'm paying $1,200 an hour I expect quick results!
These whippersnappers ain&#39;t got no respect.
Nor does this chat system, f'ing with my messages like that!
OK, chat is now spazzing out... I think that means I should be working instead :-)
anyone use barracuda spam & Virus firewall?
@TheUnhandledException And when you're paying $1200/hr, you'll get your documentation.
6:23 PM
@PopularDemand Isn't my credit enough? C'mon, you know I'm good for it!
I can give you $2,168 meta-dollars!
You can but a whole half a unicorn with that!
@TheUnhandledException Not the good half.
@PopularDemand ROFLMAO
I'd better get back to work then so I can post lots of crazy shit on meta tomorrow and earn moar rep!
@TheUnhandledException I'll be looking forward to [*friday*] tomorrow, then.
6:39 PM
A: Could comment notification also add "Ends With" as a test?

MehrdadIt still doesn't solve the real problem. It would be interesting if we could address Jeff as @wood: this is a comment.

@TheUnhandledException Ahh, lucky jerk.
@PopularDemand LOL
I really like the German place around here -- I think we've talked about it before -- but it's far too expensive to go to on any sort of regular basis.
@PopularDemand Yeah, you mentioned that. You're welcome to join me, if you don't mind driving a few hunderd miles or whatever it is :-)
It's not cheap but it's worth it, especially with a Groupon :-D
@TheUnhandledException The gas cost would offset the savings.
@PopularDemand very true
6:42 PM
Though, admittedly, you're closer than @Diago.
I probably ought to have offered to buy him unlimited beverages if we go out, since it's never going to happen.
@PopularDemand I wouldn't risk that, knowing @Diago he'd fly out here just to take you up on it!
And I would drive over to point and laugh :-)
(Plus that would be a fun-as-hell meeting. I still think StackOverflow should have a giant party)
Q: Local Stack Overflow Meetups

Josh KodroffI was curious whether there were any local Stack Overflow meetups yet (in a similar vein to jQuery meetups). The idea is that Stack Overflow people within a geographical area would get together at a local bar or something and talk code, SO, or whatever other common interests are shared amongst t...

That's why I love chat so much, specifically The Tavern. It's as close as I can get to an around the clock StackOverflow member party :-)
A: Local Stack Overflow Meetups

Joel SpolskyThere will be a Stack Overflow party in New York on April 6th.

I thought that was just for employees?
6:48 PM
you actually want to meet people from the internets?
@Fosco Good point.
I met one of my best friends on the internet about 11 years ago
I think your swirly hair would scare the shit out of me if we ever met in person @Fosco. I can only assume those move and you just were unable to take an animated gif picture of yourself.
maybe I'll make it a real picture.
LOL, I'm j/k, your avatar is great. Are those ebbys of thought? :-)
6:51 PM
/shrug.. it came from gravatar
@TheUnhandledException "swirly hair"? Those are neural sulci and gyri, man. You would not believe how much @Fosco has to put into his zombie defense budget every year.
rule #1. Double Tap.
well I changed my gravatar.. wonder how long it will take to propagate.. global logout didn't trigger it.
7:03 PM
Probably a Gravatar thing...
Now I feel guilty, LOL
Any linux experts drinking in here today?
i <3 linux.
&larr; jack of all trades (except Java.)
@Fosco Expert of none?
That's usually how the saying goes....
Master of several. that's how I use it.
Hilarious presto comedy required
Can anybody hep me? :)
knock knock
7:07 PM
@badp Hilarious Comedy Pesto would not be amused, I imagine.
I need an example of an awesome comment for this question: "How do I kill the Makron?"
I need hilarious comedy and I need it more or less presto, references to other users are merely coincidental.
you mean pronto?
I'm Italian, both mean the same for me :P
how else do you kill something other than reducing its health to below zero?
Hmm, maybe I should quote the engineer in the TF2 video
"The answer is a gun, and if that don't work, use more gun."
7:12 PM
I downloaded all of the Pimsleur Italian instructional audio last night..
LOL, sorry guys, I (stupidly) asked on ServerFault instead and got razzed for it :-)
@Fosco you probably could have helped and been nicer, too!
Q: How can I allow all users to run a given command via sudo?

JoshI know how to create a command which a given user can execute via sudo. I have a given command I want to allow any user to be able to execute via sudo without entering a password. What would I put in my /etc/sudoers file in order to make that happen?

@TheUnhandledException /> @all sudo makeMeASandwich
How are you @Chacha102?
7:18 PM
7:28 PM
brb.. table tennis time.
I love AP Gov
we are currently talking about how Drug Dealers ad pagers
I may actually run out of close votes for once.
7:44 PM
@TheUnhandledException you got your answer huh? good.
Shameless plug:
@Fosco Yes thanks, even if he razzed me that I could have googled it :-)
Q: Remove questions with moderator tags from the Unanswered list

Popular DemandThe red tags/moderator tags/status tags — except for [status-review], perhaps — on Meta indicate that a mod has considered a feature request or bug and made a decision about how to handle it. In other words, they tend to equal "this is the official answer from the admins." Over a hun...

@TheUnhandledException I would've done the same :P
7:51 PM
Okay, can I get general feedback for this?
@badp See Previous Message
@PopularDemand up-voted.
@Fosco I really wish people would explain downvotes, especially on Meta. Oh well.
@PopularDemand I didn't like your avatar
@Chacha102 Thanks!
@Chacha102 [comment upvote]
7:53 PM
There is your explanation :)
&rarr; 1 message moved to The Trash Heap
@PopularDemand You're halfway there!
@Fosco LOl, well I asked him for a good example and the google result he sent me first was wrong!
&rarr; 1 message moved to The Trash Heap
But really my issue was a missing space
@badp Oh em gee!
7:54 PM
I hope you're happy now.
NoScript says: "Temporarily allow http://s.ytimg.com/yt/swf/watch_as3-vflbgr4dW.swf#!flashvars#rv.7.length_seconds=65&rv.2.thumbnailUr
You just need to consider everything you've done and do it again
@PopularDemand title=Exploit+a+stack+overflow+vulnerability
@badp I see a lot of "closed as duplicate" in my future.
obviously you want to!
@badp I like it, I finally know how it all works now
7:56 PM
@badp Why would you even put "Exploit a stack overflow vulnerability" in your title?
There @PopularDemand, I commented for you explaining the downvote
@PopularDemand I haven't, probably it's just a title of a related video.
@badp Oh, gotcha. I never use YouTube.
@PiersMyers It's very very basic, it doesn't handle stuff like CW or bounties
Do you need a certain amount of rep to ask a CW question?
7:58 PM
@badp that can be in part 2
@Jin will notice I tried to stick to his palette and font choices :)
@Chacha102 if (youWereTheDownvoter) { status = "Thanks for the comment... jackwagon." } else { status = "Worthless, you weren't even the downvoter." }

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