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4:07 AM
Heh, my dad used to run a company that was named Yamato.
Does the name have a special meaning?
I think I've never asked him.
@Pëkka Yamato is usually 大和 which means 'Japan'
@jmac ahhhhh makes sense!
(it refers to a specific part of Japan, ancient Nara in specific, but it is used to represent Japan in general. Yamato-damashi (大和魂) means Japanese spirit
Bad Amazon! Distracting me with related products and making me forget what i originally went there to look for!
4:12 AM
Errrr, that doesn't translate well. Japanese spirit being the spirit of the Japanese, the will to continue struggling against all odds, etc. etc.
@jmac cool.
Finns have that concept, too, they call it "Sisu"
The yamato for the above company though isn't 大和 (though that's implied), it's actually やまと
You're Finnish? I visited your country in October/November of 2012.
I ate reindeer carbonara pasta.
@jmac I have a Finnish passport and some DNA, but not many ties. It's still a beautiful place to visit, for sure. Reindeer is delicious.
Where did you fo, the north?
Nah, I had a business meeting in Helsinki.
Got to eat lunch with @MCHammer -- totally down to earth, great guy!
@jmac nice!
4:18 AM
@Pëkka That does sound the same -- 'guts, spunk, perseverance, grit, pluck, etc.'
@jmac yup, that does about cover it.
@Pëkka It was late in the year, so there weren't so many people around. It was expensive too. I was happy I went there once, but not my favorite city in Europe.
I was a big fan of Dusseldorf and Heidelberg, if only there weren't so many Germans around
London I think wins it for me, but again, wealth would be a necessity.
@jmac hahahaha. Düsseldorf is nice (even though I'm not supposed to say that as an ex-Colonian.) Heidelberg is super cool, very cozy place and the University saves it from being too dull.
Why is Germany such a nice country, yet the Germans seem so unhappy all the time?
Is it a language thing?
@jmac yeah. That would work for me, too. But I don't happen to have a million pounds lying around for a studio, either...
4:23 AM
Actually I love England in general, not just London. The country is gorgeous, and I love the pub culture.
@jmac I get the same feeling whenever I reenter the country. I'm sure I'm going to be shocked when I go back in May, and long for the States. Part of it is habit, though, I think, a different social code how to behave in public. Hard to put in words
@Pëkka Ah, you're living in Germany? No offense intended! Some of my best friends are German (not really)
I think the Brits are a lot like the Japanese actually. And the Germans, I just don't understand the Germans. Even the Japanese think the Germans are dry.
@jmac I'm German-Finnish, but I really do not mind at all. I'm only now finding out that I myself have typical German traits, shudder!... I walked past a broken down car the other day, on a really really busy intersection in West Philadelphia. The two dudes were just sitting in the car, waiting for AAA I suppose, and I was completely perplexed why they weren't wearing their neon emergency jackets, and putting up the warning reflector 50 meters away from the car.
Then I remembered I'm not in Germany. :)
> Even the Japanese think the Germans are dry.
Ahahahahah ahahahaha
I'm going to be quoting that one.
It's (sadly) true.
In my last company we had an American, a German, a Singaporean, two Koreans, and a Brit. This could be the setup for a joke, but no, it was my office.
@jmac lol
What the German and the British have in common (I think) is a certain perpetual notion of misery. No enjoyment of being part of the First World, of having solid finances, etc. Just a lot of complaining.
At least, it's a trait that I've seen most in Germans and Britons (Although I'm sure it's a universal human thing, all in all.)
4:31 AM
The German was always incredibly rule-based, and was constantly complaining, and they would always ask me, "You're foreign, why does he act that way?"
We had a German before him who got in trouble because he bought a case of beer at a local liquor store, and had them store the cans there for him, and pick two up for his commute home each day.
One for the bus, one for the train. Coworkers complained that it was unprofessional, but in true German fashion, he didn't care.
@jmac lol.
@jmac that is plain weird, though.
It's normal in Japan actually.
Keeping stuff at stores?
Public drinking is a-okay. On trains you will generally see an army of salaried workers toting beer around.
Oh, the liquor store part?
A lot of liquor stores in Japan have a section where you can consume your purchases at a counter in the store (generally equipped with ashtrays), and they are more than happy to accommodate you in any way that will allow them to sell more booze.
4:34 AM
Yeah, asking a shop to store something like that for you sounds weird. (Public drinking doesn't. It still weirds me out that you can't do that in the US.)
Including letting you buy in bulk to save money, and then only pick up two a day.
@jmac wow.
I've gotten valentine's day chocolates from my local convenient store clerk before, so the storing beer thing seems tame by comparison.
That sounds crazy. And cool. I wish I had a convenience store that does such things for me.
Also bear in mind that most Japanese shops have absolutely no issue with you running up a 6,000 yen tab ($60 give or take), and then running out to get money from the ATM.
Transactions are based on trust and loyalty. And it's really weird how that materializes a lot of the time.
4:37 AM
But yeah, anyway, the Germans. Dry. The Japanese wonder why they never seem to laugh or smile, and why even when drinking they seem so dour.
From my perspective, there are two types of Germans. The serious Germans, and the ones that are fleeing the country and backpacking around the world.
I always mistake the latter type for Belgians or something. And then talk about about the Germans. And then they share a laugh with me. And tell me they're German. You think I'd learn?
Heh. I don't think it's that bad - part of it is down to habits. The language and the social code probably lend themselves to be perceived as abrasive... that plus a culture that encourages formality and isn't keen on showing weakness, slightly similar to Japan as far as I grasp it. But to an American, it can be shocking. (Finland, too, though. Finnish has a word for "suspiciously eyeing" someone.)
There was a joke on 9gag recently that claimed that Norwegians and Swedes each have a specific word for a lover, one that translates to "my treasure" or "my beloved" like any other language; and that in Finnish, the term used for the same purpose translates "person that I hate slightly less than all the others". It's completely made up, but the fact that it made it to a widespread social media meme tells you a lot.
@Pëkka Japanese has the same word. じろじろ
I think that the real issue for me is that most of the Germans I've met have been in a business context, which gives me a rather skewed view due to my industry and the context of the people I meet. I'm sure the Germans are swell and if I set up shop in a German pub for a year, I'd probably get on fine once I learned the language.
4:52 AM
@jmac HAH! Cool.
@jmac Yeah, that is likely a big factor. German business tends to be an extremely rigid world.
So is Japanese business, but the Japanese business rigidity is in stark contrast to how drunk they get after the business dealing. The Germans seem moderate in that regard, which may be why the Japanese find them so dry.
That sounds like a viable explanation. :)
That surprises me, I'd never think Japanese like to get drunk that much!
Although every single Japanese student I've met so far confirms it.
You have no idea.
There is a word in Japanese for "all you can drink" and it is often used.
There is a "forget the year" party (忘年会)
followed by a new year party (新年会)
4:55 AM
and then there are welcome parties, farewell parties, and just plain drinking parties.
One of the 'rules of being a good employee' in my company is (translated liberally), "When you go out with customers for business, go out to earnestly have fun and get close to them. No matter how expensive the dinner, showing them a good time will have more effect."
This is probably more accurately stated as, "Go out, get drunk, and be merry with your customers."
I had no idea.
Not about that extent, anyway
It was far more pronounced in the 80's. They've had to tone it down quite a bit as apparently, it isn't professional to get employees drunk on Monday nights regularly.
When I first came to Japan to work, I was taken out on a Tuesday night to an all you could drink course dinner. I got fed more and more and more beer, all the time thinking, "Okay, I like beer, but I have to be up for work tomorrow." So I cut myself off, and said, "I have to work" at which point they told me it was customary for me to pour beer for everyone else around the room (30 people)
@jmac The result was probably that big recession the country fell into in the 80s?
So I go up to the first person and they ask, "Where is your glass?" I explain, "No, I am giving you beer." Translation occurs and I am told, "Yes, you have to pour, but you can't let them drink alone!"
So I ended up drinking another 30 (small) glasses of beer and was absolutely demolished the next day when I showed up for work. My boss comes up to me (a very serious looking Japanese businessman), sees my state, claps me on the shoulder, and gives me a thumbs up for coming in to work on time.
5:02 AM
One wonders how they get any work done.
@Pëkka Partially that. The business expense accounts were absurd in the 80's and people had a lot more income to blow on booze. Japanese culture is strict about older people picking up the tab (as younger people are essentially forced to go if invited by a senior), but there is much less disposable income for that now.
But it's also that a lot of those that were working during the bubble era have absolutely destroyed their livers and have been ordered by doctors to stop drinking (so now they only drink beer, occasionally, but don't tell their wives)
Sounds like a country I need to visit at some point, just out of interest. Although I guess it's really hard to get any real insights as an outsider.
You need a cultural ambassador. I will provide a quotation upon request.
5:07 AM
Cool! :) I may take you up on that.
All right, about time to call it a day
Thanks, you too! See you around!
5:25 AM
"Please do not flush toilet paper down the toilet! The sewers are already filled with Russia's money!"
5:57 AM
@animuson Lemme guess, this is in Sochi?
Where else would you find such delightful accommodations?
I thought it was hilarious that the hotels were refusing to give guests shower curtains, but when I saw how dirty the water was, I figured "who's gonna want to take a shower in that anyways?"
i was going to say china, but a toilet like that is only in fancy-schmancy places in china
unless i guess you're reasonably well-off in a big city
(well, it'd have "china" instead of "russia")
saw meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/219662/… and currently in that mindset while rummaging through the close votes queue
it just hit me how i can just read a title and immediately realize that it's going to be almost useless for the site as a whole
huh... isn't this too minor?
@JanDvorak I've always found those borderline
but if the original post's whitespace was really bad, i'd be more inclined to accept it
@DennisMeng they've only removed one level of indentation
6:05 AM
though i guess i'm just as OCD as the editor there
how's that useful?
i guess that one is less about "does it add anything to the post" and more about "doesn't this also drive you crazy"
Me? No. And I am an OCD.
i mean
i guess if you really want to follow the guideline to the letter, reject it
but in the grand scheme of things, i probably won't care if that gets accepted
Understood, thanks. Frankly, I may even start approving these now.
6:10 AM
let's be fair
if we had to put up with whitespace edits to make the VTC queue half as big as it is now, we'd do it
priorities, man
My top priority is... not of this world.
and not even of the physical world.
@JanDvorak Yeah, I think I saw you on christianity.stackexchange once
@DennisMeng I've got one answer there, +13/-0
I...just read there currently. 2 points from one edit, and that's it
and quite a few comments
6:18 AM
oh man, comments
i probably have a good deal more of those than actual answers
hmm, just checked; about an order of magnitude more. what does that say about what i do here?
I have way more comments than answers on most sites
on the rest, the ratio is NaN
huh. my ratio is 4 comments per answer on math.stackexchange
guess i'm not very chatty over there
it's like 8-10 on meta and SO
or it's because you're a rep-whore on math.se? :-)
Man, browsing through this Software Recs site is just making me cringe. I gotta stop visiting this.
It's a private beta, right?
6:24 AM
Yes, but I don't think you need to actually commit.
@JanDvorak as offended as i should be, that's actually somewhat true relative to how i am on SO and meta
I didn't commit and it let me sign up.
I didn't commit, and visiting a question link just shows me the "it's in beta" message.
@animuson is it proving why "primarily opinion based" is a close reason?
I really wanted to be proven wrong on this site, but people so are not following Tim Post's advice and some of these answers are atrocious.
6:26 AM
or rather I'd say it's an experiment to disprove "recommendation questions neccessarily attract spam".
It's mostly people going to Google, doing a quick search, then copy-pasting a link to some random product and some of the features off their site. There's no real "recommendation" in any of these answers.
In other words, a lot of spam.
will it even leave private beta?
@Undo The uniballs? Yeah, they're fantastic and last a long time.
doubt it
maybe it just needs more moderation?
6:28 AM
Then half the answers that have been posted so far would be deleted.
@animuson please do
if that saves the site
for a day
I'd invite you just so you can see this... I don't even have a word for this atrocity... softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/162/…
@animuson i shed enough tears in the vtc queue
@animuson If I don't have to commit...
i tried reading the regex questions for a while
6:31 AM
Frankly, I'll be happy with a screenshot
the swarm of help vampire questions i saw showed that it was a bad idea
@DennisMeng OTOH, it's the surest way to drain your downvote quota for a day
i think even after having vtc privs for a few months, i still have more upvotes than downvotes
though the trend is going in the opposite direction of what i want
There's a fourth answer along the same lines as the first three, from the same author.
I'd downvote them all but it'd just get reversed.
palm -> face
6:35 AM
so, it's basically a bunch of Google dumps?
that...sounds like it makes google look bad
It's like a representation of Sochi as an SE site.
i think Sochi is better than that
it at least made it past basic filtering
SR.se = you google for a product, then post all results and let others vote?
is there such a thing as [sochi.se]?
Well that's how it's being used so far.
6:37 AM
@JanDvorak doubt it. i can imagine the olympics being on topic somewhere though
@animuson Let it squirm for a little longer (6 to 8 weeks), then close it?
not surprised that exists
There's a sochi-2014 tag there.
speaking of sports
hank aaron turned 80
6:41 AM
I should probably stop spending all of my reputation on downvotes...
@DennisMeng who's that?
baseball player
I don't watch baseball
ah, then i guess the "non-baseball fan" explanation is that he holds a bunch of records
and had to deal with a lot of hate mail about 40 years ago when he broke one of the big records
Is he whom was one Scooby Doo episode about?
6:43 AM
21 Votes Cast (0 Up, 21 Down)
i dunno
let me check
huh. looks like he did do one scooby doo thing
the more you know
@animuson wait, do you have rep there?
Well you get 100 for the association bonus...
6:46 AM
you need 125 to downvote
Not in private beta.
oh. Thanks
All the basic privileges are 1 rep in private beta.
Even closing and reopening questions.
"You don't have enough rep" "Private beta, man"
... and community mods can access any private beta site.
6:47 AM
Apparently? I don't have any idea why it let me in.
I just decided to see if it works because I was curious, and it did. :) And now my eyes are bleeding.
You have the power to basically reset the site; how does their meta look?
Of course someone already brought up pro-tem moderators (I don't think they're going to reach that point).
you should offer them to restart the site
Like "okayyyyyyy obviously that did not go well... erase Let's try this again..."
"Just dumping a bunch of links from Google leads to nowhere. The purpose of this site should be to actually recommend software. I hope you don't mind if I ask you to retry"
The next question appearing on meta would be "where are all the questions?" :-)
6:54 AM
Title: "It's beginning to look an awful lot like Yahoo! Answers"
minus the fast-moving spam
Yeah, I tried revisiting Yahoo Answers after stopping in high school
That was a terrible plan
plus a theoretical (but unenforced) ability to regulate crap
I like how every time I stumble across that site Yahoo gives me points for visiting that day.
Apparently I have 310 points.
Y/A - just like Stack Exchange, except you can't close questions, and you get repz just for answering... and you can't edit your posts, much less anyone's.
(half the amount for poll questions)
7:00 AM
Can I just spend the rest of my SR rep to downvote the site itself?
@animuson you mean the "close beta site" feature?
I wish I had a cool feature like that.
I want to see their self-eval.
@animuson They (Yahoo!) probably already stuck a poor intern with the task of cleaning up YA
7:32 AM
@Jan I actually typed up a meta post about the site... Haha
@animuson Link?
@JanDvorak pastebin.com/f3gCKmeY (I haven't posted it yet)
@animuson Amazing. Please post it.
Ha done. :P
I think the swagbox has arrived -- I can see a brown box in the hall manager's office. Must wait till he gets back to take it, though (the student mailbox is in the office, unfortunately)
7:45 AM
No fair! >:(
@animuson Apparently Nebraska is more remote than the other side of the world
the sunglasses
Haha I have like 6 different Gravatars and they're all scattered across different sites.
8:04 AM
good morning
My fancy meta post has gotten 4 upvotes. :D
8:14 AM
I somehow pick up rep for an answer I would not consider myself to be an expert in. Are the upvotes from .Net devs who are demoted to VBA?
and there goes my day :)
It's ok, my question is mostly filled with your thoughts already anyways...
Does this mean that questions that get closed with 'recommend or find a tool, library ' are autmatically migrated to Software Recommendations?
Or does the rule don't migrate crap still applies?
@TimPost but...i'm not allowed...
Well they first need to hash out what they consider to be crap and not crap.
8:24 AM
@TimPost Please contribute a small part of your day to this which has allegedly been passed through official secret channels by Pops to the community team but is still languishing for now.
I... what? We have a software recommendations site?
doesn't... that... er
@Flyk And apparently the steaming excrement is flooding in at over 1 m^3/s.
I would have never predicted such a thing to happen
8:41 AM
From here everything goes down the drain...
nah, look at it this way
now we have somewhere to migrate all of the crap on the other sites
keep all the crap in one place, makes nuking it easier
I hate it when I have to read a lot :(
I hate waking up for 9 notifications
sometimes we just have to deal with it
There's a small book's worth of text already
and it's only going to grow until the end of the week...
@3ventic that's what she said
8:43 AM
I'm talking about this
hey, you chose to run a community
Well, kind of
why is my avatar still pink on here, I removed my email address from all the things
8:44 AM
I agreed to co-lead it
Aaaaand that's a fail
my brain is only operating at <5% capacity
I wonder if I can get away with sleeping for a few more hours
Another guru badge, yipi!
8:49 AM
@Manishearth how come this is possible spam?! What triggered the alarm?
probably a mixture of the caps and the error code
@ShadowWizard it looks like a phone number
a rather long phone number
We need to include word boundaries in the phone number regex
see, that wasn't a bad guess
Also, all zero number isn't really phone number
@Flyk don't think it's checking mixture... am I right @Manish?
I'm going to take a look at the regex see if I can tweak it a little
8:53 AM
@ShadowWizard no
The SmokeDetector link links to the repo, check out the code :p
9:08 AM
Dunno why but I was never able to bring myself to really like regexes
I know how useful they can be but the syntax.... it just look so alien
Hya, everybody.. please don't mind my snoring.
@SPArchaeologist morning, please don't mind me smothering your snoring with a pillow
I got accepted to the university because I know regex hah
@Flyk. Fine with me. Last time they used a cactus, so a pillow would be an improvement.
you should totally drop that and use jQuery
9:16 AM
What if I use regex inside jQuery?
Don't do that! It will blow up!
regex can devour jQuery for breakfast
how to end the world, by @3ventic
Let's parse HTML with regex.
@3ventic you know what this will cause.... what evil it will summon...
9:19 AM
I don't remember when was the last time I did that
@3ventic Let me flag that
HTML tags lea͠ki̧n͘g fr̶ǫm ̡yo​͟ur eye͢s̸ ̛l̕ik͏e liq​uid pain, the song of re̸gular exp​ression parsing will exti​nguish the voices of mor​tal man from the sp​here I can see it can you see ̲͚̖͔̙î̩́t̲͎̩̱͔́̋̀ it is beautiful t​he final snuffing of the lie​s of Man
There's probably HTML parsing regex somewhere in here: ucp.dawn-tdm.com
@SPArchaeologist chat is immune, it's behind a Fire Shield
9:22 AM
@ShadowWizard I don't remember casting a fire shield around chat
you must be mistaken
try that on another room and let's see how immune it is:P
Stupid windows search doesn't search .php file contents...
(never understood why they didn't activate that on the Tavern board)
@SPArchaeologist Because it's SO easter egg
@Flyk not you, the Higher Forces. It blocks even Zalgo.
oops... I wrote the name... noooo
9:24 AM
@ShadowWizard oh, some cheap knock off fire shield
@Flyk can you break it?
@ShadowWizard ye remembered me of that old MLP flash game.
yes but I no longer use my powers
@SPArchaeologist oh, what game? ;)
@Flyk too bad! why not?
9:25 AM
Why the heck do all Microsoft pages go through live login first..?
@rene The link to find add-ins is broken
@ShadowWizard - Super Filly adventure if I am not mistaken. "Mostly harmless" as the Guide says... but play that after 23:00 pm...
@ShadowWizard because people misunderstand me having fun as trolling or causing trouble and I'm sick of being misunderstood
@ShadowWizard and it will start Zalgoing
@3ventic open up a command prompt: findstr /c:"some text" *.php
returns nothing
Need to search regex with regex...
maybe I'll just connect to the live server and grep it
9:29 AM
@SPArchaeologist wow sounds like fun!
@Flyk I see.... well, too bad!
Whatever you do, don't go full Zalgo. You never go full Zalgo.
@ShadowWizard hehe. Depends. If someone trigger that ending by chance... Actually remembers me of a day some years ago. A store near where I live had the bad idea to put some Happy Tree friend dvd on sale. And leave them near other "for kids" movies.
@ShadowWizard now... I don't know if you have ever actually saw a Happy tree friend dvd. If you don't read the text, it could be easily mistaken as a Disney style cartoon.
no wonder why they never sold them again.
Nope, never heard of "Happy tree friend". What's that?
But I found that Omegle is not immune to Zalgo
Now that's something random stranger will be freaked out about!
@ShadowWizard - Happy Tree Friend ? started as a web comic. It is a parody of educative cartoons.
Basically a "Hello kitty" stile cartoon where every episode goes horribly wrong.
9:42 AM
Happy tree friend is disturbing and funny at the same time.
They are eating a watermelon on the beach? rest assured that they will cut someone hand with the knife in the process. And that only if a shark doesn't eat them before they have the occasion.
Doesn't sound very children friendly!
Not. At. All.
It's not for children..
@ShadowWizard yet, some genius, looking only at the front cover of the dvd had the brilliant idea of putting that on the same shelf as all other cartoons.
It caused mayor riots....
9:47 AM
Oh, love it when the mayor himself riot :D
@ShadowWizard also, let me point out that the zalgo ending in the game I cited before could cause the same sort of problems.
(yep, my bad for the mayor - hope the meaning was still understandable)

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