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10:48 AM
Is there any chance this will be looked into?
10:59 AM
I have a technical questions regarding the site. Is this the proper place to ask?
11 hours later…
9:34 PM
@Mbrevda Probably, yes.
10:09 PM
I'm really, really curious about how logins work in the background: I never signed up for a native SE account, opting instead for oauth. Often when visiting a sub.SE, after a brief moment, a message appears on the top of the screen telling me I was logged in. I know that when doing client-side oauth, if the session needs to be authenticated and oauth is chosen, the user is often not prompted at all (assuming the provider has the authorization saved).
My question is: how dose this happen in the background? I can figure out a way for client-dise oauth that doesn't require an annoying popup?!
10:37 PM
AH! Here is the feature I'm describing: http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2010/09/global-network-auto-login/
And here is how they do it: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/64260/how-does-sos-new-auto-login-feature-work/64274#64274
tl;dr: you CANNOT do client-side oauth without a popup (at last not from the top providers: Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc)

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