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2:28 AM
@balpha on chat.stackexchange.com, the "all rooms" link never does what I expect. I would expect it to either show me all rooms for the site I'm on (in my case, Gaming), or to actually show me all rooms. Instead, it shows me rooms for MSO? Which seems to be only one?
I don't really understand why chat.stackexchange.com only shows me one chat room. Maybe I clicked something a long time ago and filtered down to that?
also, why are there any MSO chat rooms on chat.stackexchange.com. MSO has its own chat...?
@DavidFullerton You selected (or it's the default option) the "site" tab in the room listing, which is showing you rooms from your parent user's site, which happens to be MSO at the moment.
Having it pick the current site based on the association of the room that you clicked the link from might be one option, but that could also be confusing, hm...
Argh, and it seems to always pick the parent user site, even if you've recently selected another option with "more sites..."...That's a bit annoying.

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