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5:32 AM
@Dilaton seriously? Will you always misinterpret what I say?
> Aah, and finally Manishearth explicitely explains that Physics SE should be useful to people who randomly google around in the internet but are not memebers of the community and NOT to the physicists on the site who actually do the contributions and are trying to help each other learn and enjoy Physics:
There's nothing explicit about it. As always, I've mentioned that it's the primary purpose.
And I think that helping many many people is a better primary purpose than helping a few. I think that should be obvious.
I have not in any single place mentioned that it is not to help community members. I'll explicitly say that in my post, but I thought it would be obvious. Then again, I should have known that some people always like to assume the worst.
And "randomly google on the Internet"? What about people who want the same high level concepts cleared out? Those people are "randomly" googling?
I never said that.
Don't put words in my mouth. Seriously, this is what makes trying to work with you so difficult.
Some of my friends are studying some rather high level physics (one of my friends was doing a project in noncommutative ST or something), and they find such resources useful because a lot of things are nicely explained there.
These folks aren't randomly googling, they have a specific problem and they find it. They're not "barely interested in physics", they are very interested in physics
And it's not OK for P.SE to degrade into a kindergardten level site. We don't want that.
You seem to equate the fact that I do not like harming the basic section of the site with me wanting it to be the only section there. You may have your preferences with physics topics, but as a moderator I have to be neutral on these matters.
And tpg closes all sorts of questions (especially homework), I do watch queue activity and nobody seems to have a grudge against high level questions. Just that many of the questions (like the one you linked to) can be broad. You seem to think that every high level question should be worshipped and preserved. There are bad high level qs as well.
Why would any of us want to destroy TP on Physics.SE? Think about it. You seem to ascribe purposes to all of us without looking at motivations.
6 hours later…
11:40 AM
@Manishearth huh ...?
A ok, I see this is an answer to my comment elsewhere, so I better dont reply here.
I will probably add something to my comment there, but thanks for clarifying the meta answer a bit...
Going to look for some additional higher-level category 4 questions that should be preserved now ...
Here are some:
Q: Deriving Virasoro algebra question

dingo_dI'm reading a book Lie groups, Lie algebras, cohomology and some applications in physics by Azcarraga and Izquierdo, and on page 347, when deriving the exact form of the central extension term I came to a bit which I don't understand how they got it. The algebra is given by $$[L_m,L_n]=(m-n)L_{...

Q: Massless Dirac equation is Weyl covariant

GaugeDoes somebody know how to show that the following equation is Weyl invariant? $$\gamma^ae_a^\mu D_\mu \Psi=0$$ where: $D_\mu \Psi=\partial_\mu\Psi+A_\mu^{ab}\Sigma_{ab}\Psi$ is the spin-covariant derivative. Under a Weyl transformation the metric changes as $g^{'}_{\mu\nu}=\Omega^2g_{\mu\nu}$, ...

Q: Wick Order and Radial Ordering in CFT

tootI am not so much familiar with the computations tools of conformal field theory, and I just run into an exercise asking to demonstrate the following formula (related to the bosonic field case): $$\cal{R}j(z_1)j(z_2)~=~\frac{1}{(z_1-z_2)^2}~+~:j(z_1)j(z_2):$$ with $j$ defined as $$j(z)~=~\sum...

When evaluating the merits of such question, in addition to the people I already named Prahar often answers them and is therefore very knowledgeable and appropriate to judge such questions too ...
The list will be extended further in the course of time
12:19 PM
@Dilaton It's on TRF. I usually don't check there, but some other people have noticed it and the trend of badmouthing other users, so I check from time to time.

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